Often forgotten, radio is an easy way to reach customers

It’s available in cars, at work, home, in the gym and pretty much every in between. Yet, even though radio is accessible nearly everywhere, it is often a forgotten medium. People love to see themselves on TV or thumb through their own company’s article in a magazine, but they don’t always realize how valuable a radio interview can be.

Listening to traditional AM/FM radio remains one of the biggest mass-reach mediums in the country with more than 90% of consumers listening on a weekly basis. According to Nielsen’s yearly reports, that number has gone down from 96% in 2001 with the rapid growth of online music streaming, but it’s popularity and convenience remain incredibly strong.

Over the last twenty years, there has been a significant increase in the number of radio stations offering live streaming or who post previous interviews on their websites for on-demand listening. Also, with the popularity of online podcasts, many radio stations are producing their own podcasts that can usually be found on the station’s website.

Keep in mind, radio stations (really any medium) are always looking for new and interesting content. It’s always worth contacting them when you have an upcoming event or if you’re an expert in a certain field that might be of interest to their audience. One radio interview, whether it is five minutes or an hour long, can reach dozens of counties, multiple states and thousands of listeners once the on-air light turns on. If it is on the right station or show, your company can easily reach prospective customers. If a link to the interview is available, it can be repurposed on your company’s website, social media platforms, newsletter or any other online avenue.

With just a little effort, keeping your company name active in print, television and radio can help you reach a lot of people in a short amount of time.

If you’re interested in exploring the air waves, or any other medium, we’d love to talk.  Call Black Twig at 314-536-8906 to find out more.

More Good Stuff To Read

The Importance of Media Training

Whether you’re a business owner or brand ambassador, it’s essential to be able to communicate your messaging clearly, at the drop of a hat. This is exactly why media training is essential. Media training prepares you to confidently handle press interactions and interviews, so that your message is conveyed accurately while maintaining professionalism under pressure.

Earned Media Opportunities

We love earned media at Black Twig. There is nothing that influences potential buyers quite like third-party validation and endorsement. The secret sauce is finding ways to earn that media exposure without having to buy an ad.