While many marketing agencies have an area of expertise they specialize in, we find that clients typically want to work with an agency that provides a wide variety of services. Over the last 15 years, Black Twig has developed unique solutions customized for our clients’ marketing needs through social media, website design, event planning, media placements and logo design, among other services, to help build their brands.

Social Media: Whether you are tweeting, posting or sharing, there is no denying the impact of social media on a company’s brand. Not only can Black Twig develop and launch new social media accounts, and audit and provide guidance on existing accounts, we can also create strategic plans, manage and track multiple social media platforms simultaneously and bring a fresh, creative eye to enhance a client’s visual brand identity. Check out the recent work we continuously do for Metro Lighting’s Instagram and Facebook accounts and IWR North America’s LinkedIn page.

Website Design: The creative services provided by Black Twig play a vital role in shaping the visual identity of a company’s brand, while the PR staff ensures the company’s message is delivered effectively to the right audience. Sayad & Associates, LLC and P & O Care are prime examples of the quality of work Black Twig launches on the digital world.

Events and Speaking Engagements: Planning events or preparing speaking engagements for a company’s spokesperson is just one of the services that eases the minds of our clients. Whether in person or online, our event services assist clients in the planning, logistics and preparations for hosting an event. Recently, Black Twig helped Traveler’s Protective Association with its Sounds of St. Louis virtual event and MERS Goodwill with reopening many stores throughout Missouri.

Logo Design: A logo creates a visual expression that represents the vision, mission and values of a company. That was the case for Poettker Construction, who recently tasked Black Twig with creating a new logo mark to commemorate their 40th anniversary. And for Sayad & Associates, LLC, our creative services team developed a brand strategy consisting of a logo and color palette that was rolled out through collateral materials, social media and a new website, which resonated for the company’s international audiences.

In addition to these services, Black Twig can also help with strategic planning, media relations, email marketing, SEO, digital marketing and video production, which all support content development and building a company’s brand.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these services, contact Tom Gatti at tgatti@blacktwigllc.com or 314-536-8906.

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