To effectively convert potential leads, it is crucial to utilize different marketing channels.

Public relations, traditional and digital advertisements, social media, and email marketing can help introduce your business to potential customers and increase brand awareness. This initial attraction is vital to generating leads and turning them into sales.

The AIDA Model is a great tool to visualize better where your potential leads are in the decision-making process. This method demonstrates the transition of your leads from Brand Awareness to Interest to Desire and finally to Action. Each of these stages has different focuses and goals. You can expect to unknowingly have leads in one of these stages at any given time. This fact is what makes a variety of marketing important.

Leads will often move fluidly through these stages in the model as users decide whether to convert or not. Consistent marketing on all channels ensures that all bases are covered, and reach is maximized.

A – Awareness: Initially, your focus should be getting your brand out there to grow your audience. There are many untapped audiences who may be unfamiliar with your company until they first notice it. This usually happens through marketing efforts like media relations. For example, as a result of getting a few stories in the media, someone may start to recall your brand and spark interest leading them to your website, your social media and the next stage.

I – Interest: In this stage, your prospect is hot and shows genuine curiosity for your brand. They want to learn more instantly. Through captivating content, you will really have to sell your business to your prospective customers and stand out, as the lead is likely shopping around and weighing all their options. Social media posts and captivating landing pages on your website are great ways to communicate your message and win them over, moving them to the next phase.

D – Desire: Now, they have a preference for your product. They are leaning towards your company. Ideal marketing for this stage includes custom-tailored email campaigns, case studies, and glowing testimonials on social channels and your website. These extra touches can be the reason they become a customer.

“In the interest and desire stages, it is all about cultivating and nurturing that lead. This is the most difficult part and where we see the most exits from the model.”

A – Action: They are ready to go! They may have added your product to their cart or reached out for a demo or consultation. Direct marketing is perfect for sealing the deal. Using software to send out automated emails when they don’t complete checkout, sending out promotions, and even giving out free trials/demos/consultations are all great ways to finalize that sale.

That first sale is not the end for that consumer’s journey, however. Now we want to establish brand loyalty. Of course, your product or service will be the deciding factor in someone returning, yet there are other ways to increase those chances.

Ongoing email campaigns, social media posts, and media placements help keep you top of mind – as well as continuously funneling leads through the AIDA Model.

Ready to begin effectively converting those leads into sales?

Connect with Black Twig, our full-service marketing agency, for assistance in all your marketing efforts. Contact Tom to get started.

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