You have a great story to tell.

You may already be touting your company’s philanthropic initiatives, client successes and employee spotlights via your website, social media, and e-newsletter.

But have you considered your story as award-winning content?

Award submissions are important for

  • Enhancing your brand’s value
  • Growing your brand’s awareness
  • Generating new business opportunities

Whether your company offers a product or service, there are countless opportunities to build credibility for your business by earning an award.

How can award submissions help your business?

Third Party Validation

Countless studies have proven that third-party endorsements leave a more lasting impression on consumers than paid advertisements.

Earning an award, much like a client testimonial or thought leadership article, is like receiving a stamp of approval.

From branded seals to place on digital and print marketing materials to engraved plaques and certificates to showcase in the office, there are countless ways to tout your company’s recognition by a third party.

Build Brand Loyalty

Why do clients or customers tend to do repeat business with a brand?

Award-winning consumer products typically have a trusted cult-like following. The same can be said for business-to-business companies.

Do you have a vendor or business partner you regularly collaborate with on a product or service execution? Are they quick to recommend your company to others?

Consider tapping your clients or business partners as brand ambassadors in your award submission process.

Differentiate From Your Competition

Look at your company’s core services or product offerings. The more you can match up a category offering with your target audience’s needs, the better chance you will have at creating a winning award submission.

Improve Employee Engagement

Do you have a winning workplace? Are you committed to maintaining a healthy work-life balance for your employees?

You can boost employee morale by promoting individual, qualified employees or a companywide initiative. Consider involving your HR department in the selection of corporate awards.

As we head into 2022, it’s important to consider award submissions as an integral part of your marketing plan.

Just like a published thought leadership article, speaking at an industry or association event, or contributing to a podcast or roundtable discussion, winning or even being a finalist for an industry or professional award can enhance your brand’s value, grow your brand’s awareness and generate new business opportunities.

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