Since 2017, Poettker Construction’s Golf Classic has raised close to $175,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Illinois (BBBSIL) to support their mission of providing hundreds of children the opportunity of mentorship.
To help spread the word about Poettker’s ongoing support of BBBSIL, Black Twig implemented a media relations plan to inform the masses. Distributing an annual news release about the Poettker Golf Classic to targeted media outlets each year has generated more than $35,000 of earned media placements and helped the event continue to grow as it raised a record-setting donation of $37,000 in 2021. Informing people about Poettker’s work with BBBSIL through earned media placements that were repurposed for social media and the company website media outlets has also raised the company’s brand awareness.
If you would like to learn more about how Black Twig can improve your brand, you can reach us through our contact form or by calling 314-536-8906.

What Our Clients Think
It was Bill Gates who coined the phrase “content is king” back in 1996 and, boy, was he right. Valin’s journey in developing original content began back in 2012 when we first signed on with Black Twig. Since then, we’ve published 119 articles in various industrial publications, which has helped Valin be seen as a thought leader in our space.
It was Bill Gates who coined the phrase “content is king” back in 1996 and, boy, was he right. Valin’s journey in developing original content began back in 2012 when we first signed on with Black Twig. Since then, we’ve published 119 articles in various industrial publications, which has helped Valin be seen as a thought leader in our space.